Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Right Hand

I was having my quiet time in the book of Acts (Ch.7) yesterday and I came across the phrase "right hand" in verse 56. It jumped out at me because our verse this week (Psalm 16:7-8) also refers to the "right hand".

Here's what I found when I "dug a little deeper"-

The use of the phrase "right hand" in the Bible may refer to several things depending upon the context in which it is used. Here are a few examples:

The right hand is a place of distinction and favor (Genesis 48:13-19) as opposed to that of judgment or punishment (Matthew 25:33)

The right hand is a place of honor (1 Kings 2:19; Psalm 45:9); because of this, it is raised in swearing

The right hand is the place of power and strength (Psalm 60:5; 63:8; 108:6; 118:15,16; 110:1; Isaiah 28:2; Matthew 22:44; Matthew 20:21,23)

Let me know if you have something to add to this! I would love know your thoughts and what God has impressed on your heart this week regarding these verses.



da momma said...

Last Night was my first night to get back into the swing of all this and I read our verses and the whole chapter...and my "Ah-ha" moment deals with relationships.
I was given a new outlook on relationships, all in all..."I will PRAISE the Lord, who COUNSELS me, even AT NIGHT, my heart instructs me" B/C he is at my RIGHT HAND, I will not be shaken (satan will not shake this marraige) There4 my heart is glad & my tongue rejoices, my body will REST SECURE....
My husband, the most important relationship...he was on my right side at the time in bed (I know the verse is soeaking of us on God's right side, but it was still love for him has been renewed in a new way...and my body was going to Rest Secure in the new happy feelings and perspective of love and relationships all around me....I felt God speaking to me thru this verse last night! What a cool feeling :)

the Asian said...

Isn't cool how God speaks to each of us differently using the same passage?

God is SO BIG and I love see how history is being unfolded to me through studying and memorizing His Word. Thinking about Nehemiah and how he gave up his job and time with his family to build the walls of Jerusalem to Ruth who leaves everything that she knows to be with Naomi to David who made some big mistakes in his life, but he too sacrificed for the LORD. It puts my own life in perspective.

It gives me encouragement while also challenges me to press on. What a great promise we can rest in; that he is at our right hand and that he will not abandon us.