Thursday, February 19, 2009

Pressing on!

Hi all!
We had a great time yesterday at Starbucks! We will plan on doing this at least once a month.
Susan, Laura, Sara and I shared some tips that help us when we memorize scripture. We also talked about where we put our memory cards so that they are always on our mind and just shared some neat things about what we are learning.

Here are a couple things that work for us:
Write your memory verse in your daily planner so that you see it every day.
Keep a copy of your verse near your kitchen sink (we are never far from there!)
Keep note cards with verses in your car (not to be reviewed while driving, please!)

We also shared some silly ways that we remember the "address" of the verse!

I hope that you can join us next time.
This is a great journey to share!


1 comment:

Roach Momma said...

Hi Tiffany!
I really enjoyed our meeting yesterday. It was just the refreshment I needed!
I think I figured out how you can send an email alert when your blog is updated. Send me an email and I'll get you the details.
Talk to you later!
Sara :)