Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Leviticus: Sacrifice and Santification

Leviticus centers around the concept of the holiness of God, and how an unholy people can acceptably approach Him and then remain in continued fellowship. The way to God is only through the blood sacrifice and the walk with God is only through obedience to His laws.

Leviticus falls into two major sections: the first dealing primarily with the sacrificial system in worship (chs. 1-17) , and the second dealing primarily with the sanctification of the people of Israel as a whole through ceremonial and moral holiness (chs. 18-27). [Nelson's Bible Maps]

If you want to remember two key words for Leviticus: Sacrifice and Sanctification

Your challenge: how does the Book of Leviticus point toward the work of Jesus Christ?
Post your comments and share your insights.

Press on girls!


Susan said...

I feel like it keeps saying the same thing over and over again. I feel like it keeps saying the same thing over and over again. I feel like it keeps saying the same thing over and over again. I feel like it keeps saying the same thing over and over again.

Roach Momma said...

Susan you crack me up! :)

I looked back at what I had highlighted and the main verse that stuck out to me was Leviticus 1:4 - "...and the Lord will accept its death in your place to purify you making you right with him." Jesus has taken the place of the physical sacrifices and the Lord has accepted his death in our place to make us right with God!

I also really liked the note on page 141 talking about the reminders the Iraelites had of their sin - sounds, smells, sights. Even thought I'm extremely grateful we no longer have to do this extensive list of sacrifices and am even more grateful that Jesus took care of al this for me, it makes me wonder: What physical things in my life serve as reminders of my sin and the sacrifice Jesus made for me? Am I reminded of this as often as the Israelites were?

Tiffany Daniels said...

I really like that reminder, too. After being at the stock show, it was a wake-up call that "handling" all of these animals (bulls, cows,etc.) was no small task! I am sure that the bulls didn't just SIT STILL when Aaron laid his hands on them to sacrifice them! This was a messy duty! Just like the sin that they were seeking forgiveness for.

da momma said...

I just got caught up last night and was able to finish Exodus and move on Leviticus...yay! The end of Exodus was crazy with how much specific dimensions & instructions for the altar, curtains etc, and then onto Leviticus with all the specifics on laws for every type of crime, including bodily discharge?! God is specific, repetitive and to the point...there should be no questions! :)

Yia Yia said...

It is mind boggling to read all the laws, requirements,and restrictions the Israelites had to follow. How did they remember all that stuff? It is amazing that they actually attempted to be righteous before God in this matter instead of throwing up their hands and saying, "God, are you serious? This can't be done. There must be another way." Do you think God was waiting for them to come to that point so He could point them to the Way the Truth, and the Life? Thank you, Living God, for Jesus!

Alison said...

I was just thinking about this earlier. I have found Leviticus to be very hard reading, and really off-putting in many ways. But today I heard the song that goes, "Take me into the Holy of Holies, take me in by the blood of the Lamb." Having just read all this stuff, the words kind of stunned me, because, you know, no one could just go in there. Only the high priest could go anywhere near the inner parts of the tabernacle, and even he could be struck dead if he did one thing wrong, failed to purify himself correctly, failed to make the correct sacrifices, etc. To ask to be let in there, knowing how extremely strict God was about everything, seems irreverent or almost blasphemous.

But then I realized...wait, that's exactly what God has done for us. He has let us right in, providing the perfect blood of the perfect Lamb so that we, without any similar sacrifices on our own part, can approach Him directly, and He has built His most holy temple right in our hearts! I am still trying to get my head around that. I am in absolute awe that such a holy God would allow me to talk with Him daily and would even put a part of Himself in me, as unclean and sinful as I was before Christ washed me with His blood and started the process of sanctifying me!

Tiffany Daniels said...

Great wisdom and insight Alison! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

The bloodletting became overwhelming to me, but reminded me continually that without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin.