Saturday, January 9, 2010

On the Mountain of the Lord

This "insight" from today's reading in Genesis 22 (Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac) is amazing!

Genesis 22:14 says that "Abraham named this place...'the Lord will provide.'" Many aspects of this story point toward Jesus. Both Isaac and Jesus were promised sons; each was born through a miraculous conception; each carried the wood of his sacrifice; each was offered by his father on what was possibly the exact same mountain. One was saved by a lamb, and one was the Lamb. God provided. [Daily Walk Bible]


da momma said...

This insight paragraph was so cool to me - I marked it up a bunch and enjoyed you commenting on it as well.
In Chapter 22 I just cant get over the Lord telling Abraham to sacrifice his son....the one he had prayed for, for so long...I would think I would have to question if it was even the voice of the Lord that I was hearing... but WOW what faith and obedience, to Truly Fear the Lord!
Another thing that stood out to me was in Ch 24, when the servant went to look for Issac's wife... the servant had prayed to know for sure the right woman...and it happened to be the first woman to the well, before he was even done praying!! He didnt have to look for long! God is faithful to our prayers!!

Faith Nibbs said...

There isn’t much information on haw Isaac reacted to being sacrificed by his Father. While being tied up over a pile of firewood was perhaps beyond his comprehension, if the allegory of Christ continues, then he probably prayed that if possible, it would go another way, but never-the-less, willingly laid himself down. Sometimes I act as if Gods will is such an imposition on me, when in reality, he asks so little. This story is a great reminder of how God rewards unconditional obedience and a willing attitude.