Thursday, January 1, 2009

Week #1: Genesis 50:20

Week of January 4-10

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. [Genesis 50:20]


Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful verse that speaks of God's sovereignty! I think it parallels Romans 8:28 beautifully!

Anonymous said...

I love this!! I love that you have a site for a verse a week!! That helps me to have a place to look without having to dig around the bible to think of a good one to memorize!lol...Great idea!love the first one!

susans said...

Thanks for sharing the verses and other help for memorizing with us. This is an area I've been lacking in and wanting to improve on. Just learning this first verse is blessing and encouraging me, as I'm dealing with evil that has been done to me in the past through counseling right now.It especially helps with the "why me?" syndrome.